SCOLAR English Alliance
2024-03-21 至 04-10
English STEAM-based programs led by SCHOLAR English Alliance have been conducted in Primary 1 to Primary 4 extra-curricular activity sessions. Primary 1-2 students participated in storytelling and story-based games in Story Quest. Primary 3-4 students experienced puppetry and puppet building in Language Lab. These programs were followed by STEAM constructive projects and post-lesson access to digital learning resources for independent learning. Students were able to build and practice vocabulary as well as develop comprehension skills through engaging activities.
仁愛堂田家炳小學Y.O.T. Tin Ka Ping Primary School
地址:新界將軍澳唐俊街3號Address : No.3 Tong Chun Street, Tseung Kwan O., N.T.
電話(Tel):2457 1302傳真(Fax):2246 3506© 2024 版權所有
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