Developing School-based Phonics Programme (P.1-3)

Since 2021, our school has implemented a school-based Phonics Programme in junior levels. The Phonics Programme can help students recognize the relationships between letters /combinations of letters and their sounds, decode and encode words in reading and spelling respectively at an early stage of learning, pronounce unfamiliar words, develop their confidence and proficiency in reading and improve their spelling.

Students learn actively during lessons and are fully engaged in learning activities such as singing songs, blending sounds, reading stories, phonics games and so on. A great variety of teaching strategies and learning materials have been adopted to facilitate students’ learning.


Enhancing Self-directed Learning: using audio pens

In order to enhance self-directed learning, students can use their own audio pens provided by the school to listen to and repeat the sounds as well as chants. Students may proceed to complete the listening tasks for each chapter in the phonics booklets independently. Equipped with unit reviews, blending and links to related online games, students are able to learn more effectively and extend their learning process outside of the classroom. It is believed that students show continuous improvement through incorporating phonics skills in learning English and boost their confidence in all aspects of listening, speaking, reading and writing.


Reading Program

Developing students’ reading skills has been one of our main curriculum foci this year. Reading lessons are conducted weekly throughout all levels to ensure students’ adequate exposure to diversified English genres and authentic materials. During the reading sessions, students may practise and acquire common reading strategies under the guidance of teachers, like phonetically sounding out lengthy words and inferring the definition of unfamiliar vocabulary based on contextual clues.


Online Platform

Self-directed learning is promoted through an extensive selection of the latest educational applications and websites readily available for student access. Interactive games, spelling quizzes and online exercises encourage the consolidation of knowledge introduced in the classroom and more active engagement in learning outside the classroom. Students may also choose to read from a levelled collection of e-books paired with audio, comprehension questions and a reward scheme for independent learning. The incorporation of multimedia facilitates more effective learning and provides varied language experiences.


English Team and Curriculum

To provide a language rich environment, two NETs (Native English Teacher) are employed to conduct lessons. We aim to enrich students’ learning experience by providing sufficient opportunities to communicate in English as well as to increase their confidence in speaking English.

While our school-based phonics programme and guided reading are our main foci in junior levels, interview skills trainings, presentations and other speaking activities including reader’s theatre and drama are carried out in senior levels.


Inter-School Collaboration

Continuous professional development for teachers is crucial to our constant improvement in teaching quality. Primary 2 English teachers have joined a QEF Thematic Network organized by the Education Bureau to incorporate useful practices from other schools into our daily lessons. Unit plans were jointly developed with supporting schools and executed in open classrooms, followed by evaluation and reflection. Exchange and collaboration with various schools enable our teachers to attain the latest and most suitable language teaching strategies for our students.